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Kim Maclin is a mamahood mentor and Certified Professional Life Coach, military spouse of 22 years, classroom teacher turned homeschooling mama to 3 amazing kiddos, and the host of the Joyful Mamahood podcast.

She helps busy, work from-home-moms create successful rhythms and routines, so they can effectively manage their homes, their families, and themselves and finally thrive in their work-life and their motherhood without sacrificing their marriage or their sanity.

She believes you have time for everything that’s important to you and that it’s our responsibility as moms to transform our relationships and steward our time well so that we can live abundant lives full of joy that we don’t feel the need to escape from.

It is her mission to help moms truly love being a mom and stop wishing away each season for the next, so that when their kids fly the coop, they don't regret wishing away their kids' childhoods or spending them detached and disconnected.